People told me this would happen. Don’t blink, it’ll go by so fast. Well when you’re in the thick of it with 3 young kids you can’t see anything but your blood shot eyes. You just survive.
Today it’s like I saw my life from the outside when we were walking through the airport. We had one pushing the other in the stroller and another one rolling a suitcase through the airport and only one car seat with us on the flight. Our kids were actually old enough to help lighten the load! And hold on to your hats, I WATCHED a movie on the plane today. Like from start. to. finish. Never in a million years did I think I’d see the day where we could fly with kids and I not be a ball of stress the whole time.
It’s crazy to realize how fast these baby years have gone by and that we are now on the back end. All the while our family is growing up and yet here I am, realizing I can’t let go! Exhibit A: I still had to pack 2 diapers in my bag today even though our baby has been potty trained for months without accidents and I have no reason to carry diapers with me – like none whatsoever – I should be packing undies. I literally told my husband, “I just can’t not have diapers with me, it feels wrong!” So I packed them up. Please tell me I’m not the only one who can’t let go??
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